Children of the Night by The Stylistics

via Eiliyas

Late at night, when all the world is safe within their dreams I walk the shadow

Late at night , an empty feeling creeps within my soul I feel so lonely

So I go, into the darkness of the night, all alone, I walk the streets until I find

Someone who, is just like me, looking for some company…..

Man, this particular song always has felt like a comforting friend that I could never hug back. This friend has helped me so much in  my life and I swear I want to reciprocate but I can’t. So I have no choice but to try and pay it forward. So yes, even though no one may be aware of it, this song is responsible for me trying to show compassion at times when it seems implausible, to reiterate, in hopes of paying it forward.

Late at night, a restless feeling takes control of me and I can’t fight it

Late at night, I feel the need for someone who like me needs understanding

So once again, I’ll search the darkness of the night

All alone

I’ll walk each street until I find

Someone who, just like me, looking for some company

Whether it’s literally walking the streets outside, allowing myself to wander in my own self. Writing in a book or sitting at a bar. “I’ll walk each street until I find”. Hell sometimes I’ll find that someone in my own self sitting outside in the night.

Russell isn’t talking to me necessarily, nor is the collective known in that moment as The Stylistics. No, I’m quite sure that this collective is only(but not only) a conduit of the universe telling me that everything will be okay. And that while yeah you do have to suck it up sometimes and keep it moving, it’s okay to feel the way you feel and I’m here for you when that time comes.


Eiliyas is a Macon born, Atlanta bred, Berlin-based artist working with music, sound design, creative writing and conceptual art. He also is host and curator of Mixtape Menage, a platform for becoming familiar with cultural facilitators of the world through sound.


Hussina Raja